2D CAD Design and Import
Powerful and easy features for 2D CAD Design and Import, multiple format support with a a CAD engine for easy edit or design from scratch.
Metamation MetaCAM CAD CAM suite is the original product range designed to provide a fully integrated solution covering a range of selectable modules based on business requirements that can grow as your business needs dicatate.
All of the modules are complete and fully functioning and can be added into a single programming enviroment based on your needs, giving you a truely seamless, consistant and logical programming workflow.
Our core modules range from CAD Design, Import and Integration options through to 3D CAM like offline Bending and 5-Axis.
2D CAM is also fully covered with comprehensive modules for Punch and Cut (laser, waterjet, plasma…) based technologies with different options also being available, 2D CAM also has a full dynamic nesting option to help maximize your material yield based on your available demand.
Finally and for users wanting to go a step further we have our Enterprise edition of the software which brings all of MetaCAM into a more automated enviroment with options to automatically import and tool CAD files and receive orders and send straight through to nesting, where new options for scheduling and live shop floor (Kiosk) are available
Powerful and easy features for 2D CAD Design and Import, multiple format support with a a CAD engine for easy edit or design from scratch.
Powerful and easy features for 3D CAD Design and Import, multiple format support with a a CAD engine for easy edit or design from scratch.
5-Axis and Tube Cutting Round, Square and Rectangle tube programming Import Multiple file format support
Completely integrated sheet metal cad cam bending software designed to bring cost savings whilst promoting design to manufacture.
2D CAM for Laser, Waterjet, and Plasma-based machines, feature-packed and highly configurable with advanced nesting capabilities.
2D Nesting Software for Punch, Laser, Waterjet, and Plasma-based machines, feature-packed and highly configurable with advanced nesting capabilities.
PUNCH NESTING SOFTWARE Punch nesting software is a fully functioning CAD and Punch CAM system
Punch Laser Nesting Software Punch Laser Nesting Software is a fully functioning and integrated nesting
Reach out to us below and a member of the team will contact you.