Metamation Lasnek Customer Feedback

Sheet Metal CAD CAM provided to Lasnek UK, starting from punch based systems through to laser and then automation.
Metamation Case Study

Metamation Lasnek Customer Feedback

 Driving Automated Production at Lasnek

Lasnek based in Luton U.K have over 30 years engineering expertise in stainless steel fabrication specialising in high quality cable
management and supply globally a range of stainless steel cable management systems installed within facilities of internationally recognised brands.

They are forerunners in innovation and automation with developing their own products in house through to factory automation in streamlined process and investment in new technology.

History with Lasnek
2015 Lasnek were reviewing an upgrade of the existing punch programming software when they were passed Metamation’s details
and arranged a demonstration.

“Having worked in the sheet metal industry for many years I had a good understanding and experience on software that is available in the market for CAD CAM programming, we wanted to upgrade our existing software for our punching machines but also look for software that has strong CAD capabilities and can also support our design package Autodesk Inventor, Metamation ticked all the boxes for us with a good comprehensive demonstration and advice and not just a sales pitch, which was refreshing.” – Mr Steven Milton Production Manager

In 2018 Lasnek invested in new automated laser cutting systems to support the expanding business.

“We planned to replace our older punching machines with new automated laser cutting systems and as part of thiS we evaluated laser programming software that was available to run the new equipment.

We decided to stay with Metamation as we found the laser cutting module was one of the most automated and flexible we had seen and fully supported our preferred laser cutting rules and automatic assignment for CAD, whilst giving us high performance nesting.”

Lasnek’s new Amada LCG with Tower

The next step was automation for the front end.

“We looked at Metamation’s Enterprise module as we wanted to drive more automation and integration, the Enterprise module was
a real game changer for us as we have been able to streamline our front end with just uploading our MRP Spreadsheet into
Enterprise and everything else happens automatically, our CAD files are imported, materials and thickness are assigned,
production orders are created, nested and displayed real time to our operators.

We liked the fact that the interface is very easy to use, understand and gives us clear information.

Another key factor is the information we also see, using the shop floor kiosk we are building up important information that helps us
understand and validate our costing.”

“Metamation don’t only provide us with good products, their commitment to customer service has been excellent and we
are realising multiple savings across the business.”