Praxis uses Jobs to capture and track customer orders. Typically, a job contains a collection of parts with varying quantities, due dates, priority and part order.
New jobs can be xxxxx xxxxx
Imported from spreadsheets(csv, xlsx)
Created from existing parts from the part library
Drop parts directly into jobs page and manually provide job parameters
From Assemblies.
Job View
Jobs are displayed in tiles view where each job is displayed with a few basic properties like Job ID, Job reference, Customer name, Total parts etc.
A job title also displays ordered parts and quantities as stacked cards. Parts within a job can be scrolled by rolling the mouse wheel over the cards.
Jobs can be searched by Job ID, Customer and Job Reference via Search box.
Double clicking a tile or pressing Enter key after selecting a tile changes the view into the detail mode.

Job Details
The details page displays the parts list along with the nested sheets (layouts) if any.
Use Up/Down arrow key to change the job being displayed in the details page.
Rolling the mouse-wheel over the part-stack highlights the part in part list as well as in the layouts.
Selecting a layout highlights the layout as well as all parts nested on the layout in the part list. The highlights automatically go off after a minute.